Friday, June 30, 2017

My creations

The last blog challenge for this term is to take a photo of you with something you have created or made. You might have made this with your family or friends.

We can't wait to share these photos!

Looking great Sasha!

Yum! What flavour are your biscuits?

Whoa fantastic lego truck!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Your favourite after school activity

This week can you get someone to take a photo of you at your favourite after school activity.
It could be sport or dance or something else. It will be so interesting to see what you all do after school.

I look forward to sharing these photos with our class.

Hip hop for Mya.

Hip hop for Sasha.
Very active Connor!

Eating and chilling for Varntay!
Looks like fun- Brayden!
Whoa- looks like fun Connor!

Wow those ducks are friendly Nate!
Looking smart Alex!

Great idea Te Tahi!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Can you make your bed?

This week can you share a photo of you making your bed?

Do you make your bed every morning?

Do you need help to make your bed?

I look forward to sharing these photos on our blog.

Nice work Ryan!

Nice work Te Tahi!

Great to see Sasha!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Helping Someone

This week, can you take a photo of you helping someone?
You could be helping someone at home? Rugby, soccer or hockey training?

It is great when you help someone. It makes you feel all happy on the inside and outside.

I really look forward to seeing your photos- and sharing them with the class. 

Sasha is helping Miller do his reading.
Nice one Sasha!

Joey is helping Molly play the maths game. Nice one Joey!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Our favourite books

What are your favourite books at home?

What do you like to read at bedtime or in a sunny spot?

Share with us your favourite book this week. I can't wait to see what you choose!

Does Raccoony enjoy this book as well?

Is this a non-fiction book Ryan?

Do you like dinosaurs Brayden?

Like the look of this book Isaiah.

Looking interesting Kingston and Te Tahi.